Our EBH 2026-2027 Training Fellowship

The Evidence Based Hair Fellowship (EBHF) is an intensive, 24 month, online training program which seeks to equip participants with advanced diagnostic, treatment and problem solving skills in hair loss. The program runs in 2 year cycles. The next program starts Jan 2026 and we’ll accept applications again starting March 1, 2025. This is the date of the formal annoucement of the 2026-2027 EHBF.

The EBHF program was born out of an expressed need communicated by many health care practitioners to have an additional educational resource available to complement many of the currently available learning endeavors like participation in formal academic training programs, textbook and journal reading, attendance at training programs, research training – as well as the great learning that happens seeing patients!

The EBHF program was created to nurture and mentor budding hair specialists at many levels in their development.

Through discussions with medical educators, experienced specialists, medical trainees, physicians, hair transplant surgeons as well as non-medical hair professionals, the Donovan Hair Academy has created a training program that will help foster the progressive development of the world’s next generation of hair loss experts.

What does the Training Fellowship Involve?

This 500 hour training fellowship includes attendance at meetings, and completion of assignments, quizzes and readings. For most participants, the weekly commitment to the program is approximately 6 hours, although one can dive in extremely deep and easily spend 10 hours or more in all the weekly activities that the EBHF offers.

This training program is certainly not for everyone – but is for those who wish to dive into this field with an intensity and rigour that will surely see them equipped with valuable skills to genuinely help a broad array of patients following completion of training. It does not take long to become a practitioner who sees hair patients.

It takes time to create an expert – and that’s the goal of this training program. Through repetition and constant reinforcement of material,  the EBHF will help practitioners learn new material, incorporate the new material with previously learned material, correct faulty thinking, and ultimately develop new problem-solving strategies.


March 1, 2025: EBHF begins accepting applications (i.e. letter of interest and CV)

Sept 1, 2025: Early bird deadline (payment due by Sept 1 for early bird rates)

Dec 1, 2025:  EBHF Final payment deadline (payment due by Dec 1, 2025 for all applicants)

Jan 5, 2026: First video lectures links sent to EBHF participants along with first assignments and MCQ quiz.

Jan 7, 2026: Our First EBHF Wednesday meetings  


For our Complete Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), click here

How is the EBHF Training Program Organized?

The EBHF training program is organized into training “blocks.”  

·      Block 1 is a high yield introductory block providing exposure to a broad array of topics

·      Block 2 focuses on androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and alopecia areata

·      Block 3 focuses on scarring alopecia, contact dermatitis and hair shaft disorders

·      Block 4 focuses on psychodermatology hair restoration, non-surgical methods of camouflage, cancer, infections


When are the lectures for the 2026-2027 EBHF program?

Lectures are provided to fellows, via video, every Monday morning at 7 am PST. Lectures are generally about 3 hours in length. Fellows may watch them at any time during the week.

When are the meetings for the 2026-2027 EBHF program?

In addition to 5-10 hours of weekly study, program participants meet “live” via virtual meetings with Dr. Donovan every 2 weeks for 2 hours.  For most months, it is the first and third Wednesday. However, this may change from time to time.



Session 1 starts Wednesday 5:00 am PST; 8 am EST; 1 pm UK, 2 pm Central Europe; 4 pm Saudi; 12 am Eastern Australia)


OPTION 2: Late “Wednesday” MEETING TIMES

Session 2 starts Wednesday 4:00 pm PST; 7 pm EST; 12 am UK, 1 am Central Europe; 2 am Saudi; 11 am Eastern Australia)

What is a typical EBHF week like?

A typical week for the EBHF participant proceeds as follows:

Participants are provided with links to the weekly video on the Monday of each week. Participants are encouraged to watch the 3 hour video on their own time during the next 7 days.

Participants are given 1-2 short assignments each week and these assignment questions are released on the Monday. The purpose of these assignments is to reinforce key learning concepts as well as to foster the development of new clinical problem-solving skills. These assignments have been developed to encourage the development of a well-rounded, evidence-based practitioner. Assignments may take 1-5 hours to complete depending on the participant and the depth that he or she wishes to explore a given topic. Participants are also given a multiple choice quiz (MCQ) each week. The purpose of this quiz is to reinforce the material presented in the lecture. Assignments and MCQ quizzes for each week are due by Monday 7 am PST (just prior to the release of the next week’s material). A link to a video explaining the answers to the assignments is provided to all learners in the following week’s video.  Answers to MCQs are provided to fellows immediately upon their completion of the quiz

Completion of 70 % of assignments and 90% of MCQ quizzes is required for successful completion of the EBHF.  We strongly encourage completion of 100% of assignments and quizzes.

Program requirements and expectations are outlined in section E below.


What will my time commitment be for the Fellowship?

Most participants will spend between 5-9 hours per week with assignments, readings, attending lectures. Please consider 6 hours to be the minimum investment each week to the EBHF program.   The more you invest in the EBHF, the more you learn! This is an incredibly vast program with incredible learning opportunities above what you might imagine!

The total investment is 500 to 800 hours over the 2 years.

How do I apply to the EBHF?

Please email the following documents to info@donovanhairacademy.com with the subject line of the email stating “Application to the 2026-2027 EBHF”

·      Letter of interest - answering the 8 questions on page 22 of the application guide

·      Curriculum vitae/resume



How do I learn more?

To learn more about the program, you may wish to watch the EBHF introductory video below, or click here to Download the EBHF Guide