Get Involved as a Patient Volunteer
We have a number of opportunities in the Donovan Hair Academy for patients with hair loss to volunteer!
We have many different types of volunteers who participate in our Hair Academy. Volunteers have a key role to educate the participants in our program.
Current Volunteer Needs of the Academy
At the present time, we are currently in need of volunteers for our teaching sessions, including the following (please note option c is the most needed)
a) volunteers who are interested to have a full and complete examination including review of their hair loss history, examination of the scalp and review of blood tests ‘fresh’ by Dr Donovan “live” in front of a group of learners.
b) volunteers who are interested to have a one or more aspects of their hair loss history or photos reviewed by Dr Donovan “live” in front of a group of learners via online demonstration.
c) **** MOST NEEDED AREA ****. Volunteers who are interested in sending in a short 3-5 minute video of their experiences or recording this online as an interview with Dr Donovan. For more information on this opportunity click here
What are patient volunteers? Why are they so much needed?
There is a shortage of health care professionals worldwide with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of treat hair loss. Physicians are provided with limited exposure to training in hair loss during their education and other health care providers are often not exposed to the breadth of hair loss issues that are required to develop true expertise. There is an urgent need to equip physicians with the proper skills to properly evaluate and treat patients with hair loss.
Dr. Donovan provides several courses throughout the year to teach physicians, physicians-in-training, medical students, trichologists, nurses and hair stylists about hair loss. Participants in these courses have the opportunity to speak to a patient volunteer with hair loss. For our “live” courses, participants have the opportunity to examine the volunteer's scalp up close under Dr. Donovan's supervision. For our online courses, patient volunteers have the opportunity to share their experiences with learners. Together, Dr. Donovan and the patient-volunteer form a team that helps educate others about hair loss. By doing so, countless numbers of patients are helped in the future.
There are a variety of opportunities in the Donovan Hair Academy available for patient volunteers. We require patients who already know their diagnosis as well as patients who have hair loss who do not know their diagnosis. Both types of patients are extremely valued in the teaching programs we have established. For those who participate “live” patient volunteers should expect to spend about 15-30 minutes with Dr. Donovan and our learners online during the teaching sessions as well as an additional 30-45 minutes prior to the session with Dr. Donovan by phone or online.
Volunteers can also send in short 3-5 minute videos that Dr Donovan then shares at various times during the course. There is a tremendous need for this at the present time. For more information, click the link: PATIENT VIDEOS.
How do I learn more about patient volunteering ?
To learn more about patient volunteering, contact us at or complete this form below.